
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Karena Apa? Karena Siapa?

Kerutan yang terhias sangat tajam. Raut yang ditampilkan begitu menyayat. Tatapan matanya penuh kebencian, penuh kemarahan, mengharap iba juga. "Sang raja tak (terlalu) peduli padaku," katanya. Ingin merengkuh, tapi takut terlalu rapuh. Hanya diam, terlalu sadis dilakukan. Bukan apa, perbandingan tubuhku dan tubuhnya terlalu jauh. Merasa egois dan rakus.
Tulang yang menonjol membuat air ini semakin menonjol keluar juga dari tempat bernaungnya. Jantung pun berdegup lebih cepat dibanding sang angin.
Jadi kemana saja orang yang menjanjikan kesejahteraan? Apakah seperti ini yang dinamakan sejahtera? Dimana orang-orang yang meneriakkan kata manis saat itu? "Inikah keadilan?" Seakan dia berbicara padaku dengan tatapan sendunya. Kemana perginya orang-orang ketika ada teman kecilnya seperti ini?
Ketika pikiran dunia menguasai, masalah ini tidak akan berujung. Hanya akan memperlebar jika dibiarkan terus menerus.
Jalanan terjal, tidak ada kendaraan mewah untuk mencapainya, tidak ada sesuatu yang bersih untuk dipakai dan untuk tempat tinggal, jarak menuju pusat kota sangat jauh, tidak ada sesuatu yang baik untuk dikonsumsi, kekurangan berbagai macam kebutuhan untuk hidup. Karena siapa? Karena apa?

Berkacalah pada malaikat kecil ini.

Monday, March 10, 2014

World, You're My World

When the world seems far beyond me..and I find no place to go. When my life seems cold and empty..and I feel I want to cry. Lalu kamu datang dengan sejuta harapan. Membangun asa yang sudah lama hilang dari sisi terang pikiranku. Mengedarkan cahaya untuk sisi gelap hidupku. Membalut kerangka dingin tubuh ini dengan dekapan manis. Menggenggam erat hubungan yang akhirnya terjalin kembali. Membuat hati ini percaya tentang keteguhan hati, untuk kesekian kalinya. Merajut air mata kesedihan menjadi air mata bahagia, dengan segala yang kamu lakukan. Memutuskan pikiran-pikiran negatif yang bersarang dipikiranku. Memeluk hidung ini dengan aroma yang menenangkan. Membisingkan telinga kecil ini dengan kata-kata yang sangat merasuki otak. Menutupi mata ini dengan sesuatu yang indah, sebut saja seni dunia. Mengisyaratkan setiap gerak-gerik tubuh ini dengan lantunan alam. Mengalirkan darah ke tempat yang seharusnya. Menyambungkan dunia yang telah mati ke dalam dunia yang tidak pernah mati. Membuat segalanya lebih indah. Thank you, world.

Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Wishing You―

For my favorite friends.

The perfect recipe for your year ahead should be 20 percent love mixed with 30 percent luck. Add on top 20 percent courage and garnish it with 30 percent health. Say cheers to life and have a Happy Birthday to you all!

Perfect friends are rare to find, but I'm glad,more than very and so much, to have y'all!

Wishing you all of kind a good things come to
Wishing you all has a beautiful day in your years now
Wishing you all keep warm with the sunshine
Wishing you all keep cold with the snow or whatever

May your new life filled with the happiness of smiles, the sounds of laughter, the feeling of love and the sharing of good cheer, all the joy you can ever have with me and with your friend tho and may you be blessed abundantly today, tomorrow and the days to come! Well, you are another year older and you haven't changed a bit. That's great because you are perfect just the way you are. 

They say you lose your memory as you grow older. I say "forget about the past" and live life to the fullest today. Start with ice cream or anything sweet.

You are such a special friend,
Who deserves a special day,
For being who you are and
Bringing joy in every way.
You make me smile and laugh,
with everything you do

Nothing brings me more happiness than the smile on your face. I want to see that smile on your lips forever. Enjoy this year and use it as a launchpad for your future!

And for you dude. There is no candle on your cake I think because I don't want our friendship kinship dead like the candle when you were blow it. Everything's gone and the last one is the candle such a board of death. Well sounds creepy, but that's what I think.
For you girl. We don't bring you anything yet. But the best things in these situation are your friends,I guess.

Be yourself,you know..just the way you are and people will cherish you
Increase your self-confidence
Realized your dreams
Trust your instinct and your heart
Have the world in your grasp
Do it yourself
Affirm your strengths
You got it takes!

best regards,

source:google (edited)

Monday, March 03, 2014


I know you will never know understand me. So I just wanted to tell you I know you will read after this even if you won't. I don't know what I was feeling but I ju..........

Okay it's just a fu........
I know you'll be yek to me. I know you'll be eew to me. I know you'll be hate me,more. I know you'll be escape from me. I know you'll be mad with me. I know you'll be "wtf that b". I know you'll be..... I know you'll be..... I know you'll be..... I know you'll be..... I know you'll be..... I know you'll be..... I know you'll be..... I know you'll be..... I know you'll be..... I know you'll be..... I know you'll be..... I know you'll be..... I know you'll be..... I know you'll be..... I know you'll be..... So I just wanted to disappear now. I know you'll be fine, more than fine, perfectly fine. I kn..... Ok. Bye.

Thoughts Someone About Love

"They say we're too young to understand love"
It's true, but it might be they're too old to understand us.
"They say that love is forever"
But only a few have been successful.
"They say true love is worth fighting for"
If it's true love, why should we have to fight for it?
"They say that love is more important than money"
Are you sure with this one? Can you imagine how could you live without a little bit money,ha?
"They say love is blind"
I think, love is never blocking my view, physically. But there is some truth in it.
"They say if you love someone, you should let them go to see if they come back"
It doesn't work to me. Hell.
"They say it's wrong to love much and it's wrong to love less"
I say don't love then.
"They say when you are missing someone that they're probably feeling the same"
I don't think so. Because it's rarely and little bit possible even if nothing impossible haha.
"They say the hottest love has the coldest end"
But there is no hot in the way and no cold in the end.
"They say we fall in love once"
I've fallen in love a million times, so..
"They say that love means never having to say that you're sorry"
We are human, makes a lot of mistakes. Don't forget about that.
"They say we can't live without love"
Do you can live without an oxygen anyway?
"They say you only hurt the ones you love"
I'd hurt a lot of people, for your info.
"They say love is just play a game"
What game,so?
"They say love is the key"
What? I think the world has changed so fast.

Free to argue, isn't it?
How 'bout you anyway?

Friday, February 28, 2014

Sepatah Sayap dari Sang Merpati Suci

"Jam dindingku terus berdenting. Senyap mulai merayap masuk melalui pori-pori kulit. Helaian bulu alis mulai jatuh dan membuat mata berat. Komputer semakin memanas karena terus berlari. Tapi aku tetap diam merenung dalam balutan pedih.
Luka terus menembus lapisan-lapisan kulit dan mulai menjalar ke seluruh tubuh. Entahlah, apa yang aku lakukan sekarang. Terlalu  sibuk berfantasi akibat kejadian tadi. Terlalu kuat hantaman yang kau perlihatkan. Puaskah kalian berdua?
Hidup kalian mendekati sempurna. Aku tidak tahu apa yang akan ku lakukan ketika aku melihat kamu, menjadi milik perempuan hina itu. Aku bisa melihat bahwa dia, si perempuan, menjadi duniamu sekarang. Dia adalah narkoba bagimu dan kamu tidak bisa berhenti untuknya.
Tapi kemudian semuanya menghilang tanpa noda sepercikpun. Pikiranmu mungkin seperti bayi yang baru lahir di dunia. Tidak ada dosa yang sudah kau perbuat,tidak ada. Dan kau datang kembali kepadaku .. tunggu .. untuk ke berapa kalinya? Ingatkah? Dan bodohnya aku menerimamu kembali dengan baik. Mungkin karena hatiku seperti malaikat atau mungkin karena .... memang aku benar mencintaimu?"

TICK TOCK goes the clock 
What do we do now? 
TICK TOCK goes the clock 
Now everything's gone right? 
TICK TOCK goes the clock 
And what will we see? What will we do? 
TICK TOCK until the minutes 
That bastard had hurt me 
TICK TOCK until hours 
and after that suck that bitch 
TICK TOCK until the day 
All fly with the wind 
TICK TOCK and all to soon 
You, she and I must die! 
TICK TOCK goes the clock 
He came back to me and that bitch cry 
TICK TOCK goes the clock 
even all the people crying

If you know what I mean, I'm glad to know. Thank you for the happiness that you have to.
I'm very lucky to have you, even if only temporarily; though only for a second.
thanks to Meike who already told me
